For the past nine weeks we have been consuming books, one after the other, hour after hour. When I say ‘we’ I don’t mean that we have all had our noses in our own books, but instead that we have all read every single one of my little boys book library. Ten times. At least. Much as we have added to the library extensively along the way to assist, I do know most by heart now!
I am thrilled my toddler loves books as much as me! In the morning after his milk he runs back to his room and brings us some to read together in bed! So I was delighted when Wonderbly asked to send me some of their newer titles to see what we thought.

I’ve seen Wonderbly advertised before but was always a bit cynical about personalised books. Well, my mind has been changed. These books are gorgeous. And they convinced my toddler too as you can see!
We chose two books and even with coronavirus postal delays they arrived within about 10 days. They are excellent quality with nice thick glossy paper and the soft cover is sturdy enough for sticky grabby little fingers too!

The first book is ‘you love Daddy this much‘ which is an excellent present for Fathers Day (very timely). When you design the book you add the child’s name, choose their complexion, and whether they are a boy or a girl. There’s then a double page on something the child will no doubt love (trains, puddles etc.) followed by a double page about the child loving Daddy even more. We have other ‘Daddy’ and ‘Mummy’ books but this one is a cut above. Whether it is the patter of the words as we read them or the interesting drawings I’m not sure, but he really likes reading this book compared to others with a similar concept.
The second book is ‘dared to dream‘ which I chose because the images on the website showed a magical adventure and each page looked full of interest. I picked this one in soft cover and it’s perfectly sturdy. What I love most about this book is that there is a little story for each letter of the child’s name and the characteristics that the stories identify later spell their name. They’re gorgeous little adventure stories that include friendship and admirable qualities and we’ll enjoy this story for years. It is a long book for my almost 2 year old but he lets me read it all to him, pawing at the pictures and identifying things on each page as we go.
We love these books and feel really lucky to have been gifted them. I get as excited about his books arriving in the post as I do about something i’ve ordered for me and these really have been a highlight. We’ll be reading them for many years to come.

Now I’ve found Wonderbly I’ll be buying more, whether for the little man as he gets older of for presents. I’m pretty taken with some of the marketing phrases ‘inspire every chapter of a child’s life’ ‘to raise brave, imaginative, book-loving kids’ because the books do exactly this if my little bookworm’s fascination is anything to go by!