June, since January, has been the month that we have been most anticipating. We booked our big trip to America as a bit of retail therapy at new year (no advance planning, we just booked it to raise smiles) and have been looking forward to it ever since. The start of the year was just the warm up to it, but in fact has been excellent too. A really happy and restorative first 6 months to the year.
And so to June and our travels and treats. It dawned with happy job news for Mr P. Never ones to stand on ceremony we cracked open the champagne on what was probably a Tuesday night at 5pm (Tuesday is clearly the new Friday…)
We had plenty of chance for sailing too – June weather wasn’t too bad, it was like we’d turned a corner and summer was trying to break through. We were both on the water a lot – me on a 65 foot yacht and Sam on an 18footer. Lots of fun for us both. Being on and around The Hamble in the summer is always good for the soul.
Summer days also bring BBQ’s and there are many birthdays in June too – a good chance to gather with friends for some warm evening celebrations! We were at a fun filled evening of catching up and laughter at Netley Sailing Club for the competitive was the ‘Topper’ racing. Toppers are the sort of dinghies that 10 years olds normally sail, or that are used at sailing schools. But put a fleet together with a handful of professional sailors and they may as well be Formula 1 cars – the most hotly contested grass roots sail racing going on right now!
And then what we’d been waiting for we flew to Boston and spent a marvellous ten days in Maine. It really was an incredible trip and one we had been looking forward to for a long time. With Mr P’s new job confirmed it fell at a perfect time when relaxation and celebration was needed all round. Lots more to follow soon but below are a few new photos – some of my favourites of our trip that weren’t in my Instagram album.
I have written about our three nights in a lighthouse for The Lux Traveller, more to follow soon.
It is always sad coming home after holiday – but work never feels quite so bad with relaxed shoulders and full of plenty of sleep. We had 1.5 days of work (I came back to 610 emails and had to do a day trip to Paris, getting up at 4am which was actually 11pm in Maine…) before heading to Norfolk for a stunning wedding. The sun was on the side of the happy newly weds and we had a thoroughly good day in beautiful surroundings. I wouldn’t recommend driving with a hat on and the roof down – so carefully did I drive that my hat only fell off in a gust of wind outside the church!
The end of the month drew up with me back at work and Mr P ‘between jobs’ and working through a long list of house-chores. Happily this included meeting me for a picnic in the park at the start of the heatwave. I rarely take a lunchbreak and so to chill out together in the sunshine with fresh food – a real treat!

Picnic in the park with Mr P in my lunchbreak! Loving him being off work before starting his new job! Feeling very well looked after!
July has now arrived – a heatwave, Wimbledon pressure on Andy Murray and a long weekend treat in Vienna.
Congratulations Mr P! What a lovely month indeed!
🙂 thank you!