Another blink and miss it season! Plenty of time at home, a little jaunt to Dorset and even a fortnight at work! Months 8, 9 and 10 of Baby P's little life flew by, one milestone after the other

Three peas in winter - a round up of sun, sand and seasonal adventures

Autumn went by in a blur of coffee dates, walks with baby and business trips for Mr P. It started hot and balmy and finished frosty and soggy! Days continue to vanish. I often don’t think I’ve achieved a thing but I actually did 1,000 little things to keep baby happy each day.…

Summer 2018 has been pretty life changing… I even altered the blog name!! But first… June marked the end of our first year in our new home. In fact it was when it really started to feel like home too. The carpets went down and the lighting was finished. The upstairs of our…

Spring was slow (late) arriving this year… But when it finally did it was spectacular. The 20 degree temperature rise inside 4 weeks was a bit of a surprise but there were no complaints once the snow and rain finally departed! March March so often dawns with the smell of spring. Not this…

Monthly updates were getting tiring and quite frankly boring! Some months work takes over and it rains continuously. Others I hibernate! So there’s nothing to wax lyrical about… And no pretty pictures to log! It’s about seasonal updates now as in amongst the rain and work there are still beautiful days and adventures…

A funny old year of travel 2017 turned out to be. We started it with no plans and 30 days of annual leave apiece but still managed to take 12 trips! And have plenty of time off over Christmas too. Bear in mind that’s alongside our full time jobs, which are pretty big…

November was a busy month. Busy at work, at home, at play. They are the good months. Plenty of ups and downs but more good despite some real annoyance. At work With a lot of holiday to use in December I needed to do everything that is important in November. Tricky. A few…
View PostMonthly Meanderings: September & October

Two months at once because not much happened in September! A month always dominated by work! Very little time for much else! October more than made up for that, although a lot of that was work too! This year it was a case of ‘hi September’ and ‘oh, hi winter’… Literally overnight. Perhaps I…
View PostMonthly Meaderings: August

August was a full of fun month! At times it was chilly, so we were justified in lighting the fire at home! That novelty hasn’t worn off yet! Then at times it was simply glorious! And the bank holiday – good grief, we were blessed! Bathed in sunshine, Hampshire and the Costa del Solent…
View PostMonthly Meanderings: July

[parallax-scroll id=”6418″] July was about being thoroughly British and enjoying life in the village. And cows, but I will come back to them! Oh, and rain – it just didn’t seem to stop! Let me tell you, one doesn’t move to the country for a quiet life. But for community! And by that…
View PostMonthly meaderings: June

June. Was. Busy. And excellent! At sea Each year there is an all women yachting regatta. Fabulous fun as it’s rare to have more than one girl on a yacht crew! Having the chance to sail without the boys is a treat (sorry boys)! The wind blew, the sun shone and we grinned…
View PostMonthly meanderings: May

Better late than never, the timing of this says something about just how busy work has been keeping me!.. Manic May seems an apt description! May started in a snowstorm in Tallinn… And ended with a bleak but humid bank holiday weekend… Thankfully there was plenty of sunshine and blue skies in between! And…
View PostMonthly meanderings: April

April is normally known for showers and the divine smell of petrichor. There wasn’t much of either this year. Pretty much wall to wall sunshine. Chilly at times (and there was indeed hail just when May was about to arrive) but oh so sunny! I really enjoyed April – I particularly like looking…
View PostMy monthly meanderings in March

Birthday month is easily the best month of the year. Not just because of birthday, but March also welcomes the start of spring. The evenings get lighter, British summertime arrives and it really is the start of the ‘happy’ months of the year! Birthday came a day early as Mr P was away…
View PostMy Monthly Meanderings in February

February will always be better than January, and this year was no exception (thank goodness). A month that includes the following is good… …A luxury staycation at the Chewton Glen…. It’s where my obsession with luxury travel began, and it was a pleasure to return for Mr P’s birthday! … Weekends exploring more of…
View PostMy monthly meanderings in January

As usual January vanished in a blur, a good thing. Working in Luxembourg, inappropriately dressed for snow… Working even harder on one of my Christmas presents – a ‘paper-fold-your-own’ Taj Mahal… Touring Mr P’s office, defining a cool and practical work environment… Exploring a little more on our back door, with a visit to…
View Post10 comedy travel moments 2016

Last year I enjoyed writing about the comedy and less than perfect travel moments of the year. There’s always a few and they tend to be carefully curated out of the blog, or mentioned in passing. This year I’ve already had my first comedy travel moment (more later) and it reminded me there were…
View PostDecember fun and frolics

December, what a marvellous month. Our big discovery was the benefit of storing up annual leave until the last month of the year. Then trying to use it up! I did 5 days of work, had a 12 day trip to India and Christmas off work too. Now there are probably health warnings against not taking…
View PostMy top 10 travel highlights of 2016

What a year 2016 has been globally. My top 10 highlights may well sound frivolous and privileged in a year when the world has been full of sadness, unrest and nasty surprises. But they made us smile, laugh and relax after some challenging years. Its been good for the soul. I’m amazed we fitted in 6…
View PostNovember fun and frolics

A bit of a strange month – I was manically busy right through the month but I didn’t seem to actually achieve a great deal! Aside from crazy hours, there was one other similarity between October and November… I went to kareoke in both months having never been before. London office life seems…
View PostOctober fun and frolics

October was all about the W’s – work, weddings, Wales, winter watery stuff, wine… Work was the predominant activity in play for October. I banked enough hours to not work again until at least the new year. Thankfully the end of the month means the end of the really hard slog and it was…
View PostSeptember fun and frolics

After a crazy August, September arrived quietly and that was just fine… It felt like Autumn arrived overnight from August to September. I love those lovely chilly sunny morning walks to the station and leaves falling from the trees, or the morning runs round the park. I don’t however remember from this time…
View PostAugust fun and frolics

August was a blink and miss it month… Long hours at work but thankfully many hours at play as well, making the most of the summer months, ahead of what will be a stressful Autumn… A couple of days sailing at Cowes Week with work – bumping into old friends, making new ones and…
View PostJuly fun and frolics

July was one of those months that just – didn’t – stop… Silly hours at work and working whilst taking “holiday” (good in some ways as that means more holiday still to take…) then weekends crammed full too and the odd half day here and there. September and October at work are going…
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