My year in photos – Project365

Here they all are! All 365 days of my life in 2014! I can say with extreme certainty that I am never doing this challenge again! It’s look Pretty impressive when they are in one place all together! It was certainly a busy year, but I have to say – I couldn’t be…
View PostThe final 31 pictures of project 365

I was excited about December! Not only was it the end of my photo challenge, but I also didn’t need to get on a single plane! For someone with a serious case of wanderlust and a love of staring out of plane windows looking at clouds, that was a clear sign that October…
View PostBest of 2014

What I have loved (and, frequently hated) about this year is that I have captured and recorded a photo for every day of the year – just one left to go for tomorrow! I’ve put them all in one place if you want to have a rapid look! It’s been interesting, and flicking back…
View PostOnly 31 photos left in #project365 – here’s November

I took a deep breath at the start of November – there was an incredible amount to fit in! Sitting here in December – I managed it and I’m not exhausted! Flights being on time (and flat beds) really do make travel much easier to cope with! So – November dawned like another…
View Post10 months through the year – Project 365 October

Another month has literally flown by! And it certainly had its fair share of flying slotted in!! Although November is going to prove October to be a walk in the park in that regard… The month started as I wish all months would, by putting on an ‘out of office’ email reply and…
View PostProject 365 – September

I am struggling to get my head round the reality that we are now 3 months from the end of the year, where did the year go. At times I struggle to find something to photo each day, but perhaps having a daily task (beyond the normal ones we all have) makes time…
View PostProject 365 – August

August arrived and with it rain and more chilly weather – more like what we expect from british summertime I guess! August was something of a pottering month for the most part, always busy though! A theme running through the month is my lack of patience with growing sunflowers – I did not…
View Post#project365 – July

July was a quiet month – unfortunate to have 3 weeks off work at home not able to do much. At least this little project forced me to find something to photograph every day despite doing incredibly little! Unsurprisingly – given my limited options and due to fabulous weather in the UK, much of…
View PostMonth 6 – #project365 – June

When I started this ‘little’ project 6 months ago I don’t think I actually thought I would see it through, but somehow I have managed to a) get through 6 months complete and b) take a photo of something vaguely interesting every day! And so to June – naively at the start of…
View PostProject 365 – work dominated May!

May is not one of those months when I fit much in around work… Although looking back now I fitted in a bit, although I feel like perhaps I shouldn’t have now! The last few days of May post sign-off have been heavy on early nights and getting up that little bit later…
View PostProject 365 – April – where has 4 months gone!!

Month 4… After my jump start on being 1/4 of the way through the year last month, now we really are!! I’m finding this exercise interesting to look back on what I do each month, it is nice to be able to track the year so clearly! But it is tiring, I’ll try…
View Post#Project365 – a quarter of the way through the #photograph year!

January and February went by so fast, it’s hard to believe that it is April tomorrow – so 1/4 of the way through 2014 already! How did that happen! The best bit of this however is that the UK is warming up, and April brings us a mini-break to Venice for our wedding…
View PostThe #project365 challenge continues – here’s February!

Happily I have now managed 2 months! Month 2 was easier so I’m going to carry on!! February (you can see all the photos at the link) included 8 days in the desert which was certainly more interesting than a month in the office… A month that starts the way February did is probably a suggestion…
View PostProject 365 – January was harder than I thought #sundaytraveler

And I don’t just mean work wise!! I take lots of pictures, the iPhone is always somewhere near to me to capture all the fun and excitement of the year! So how about ‘Project 365’… I’ve seen lots of people doing this before – taking a photo on every day of a year. I…
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