Learning from travel: lessons in life

Travel as a teacher? When I was 20 I hadn’t been on a plane and last year I took near on 60 flights… Whilst I’m not as well-travelled as many, I’ve definitely been taught a few important things on my travels…. It isn’t necessary to go abroad to explore and relax – some…
View PostTruth in quotes & pictures – the sea

Anyone that has dipped into my corner of the world wide web can’t have failed to have noticed I am slightly obsessed by the sea, it’s my happy place! It appears I am not the only one to think this way, there is a plethora of quotes and sayings about the sea, and…
View PostTruth in quotes & pictures – the sun

Do you spend any time on Instagram or Pinterest looking for inspiration? It is impossible to miss all of the quotes that are pinned and shared. Some are pointless it has to be said, but there are plenty that get a nod, a wry smile, a like or a re-pin. I thought I…
View Post1 more step along the world I go

One more step along the world I go… It is incredible how much changes in a year, as we travel from the old things to the new… The amount of things we do, the people we meet, the memories we make – 365 short days turn a year into something rather memorable! It…
View PostWishing on a star – 2016 travel

Limited hours of daylight and plenty of rain and cold. Winter is definitely here, and here for a while yet! This is always the time of year when alongside enjoying the festivities it is a good time to start to think about where the year ahead may take us. Top of this list is…
View PostTravel Linkup – favourite things

The Sound of Music is my all-time favourite film, still – as I reach my mid-thirties!! Imagine my delight when Kelly, Emma and Rebecca and their lovely co-host Frankie, The Mischievous Mayfairy, announced this month’s travel link-up was about our favourite things. Instantly I was humming the tune, followed swiftly by ‘Edelweiss’ which is my favourite. I wondered as I…
View PostQuotes to inspire wider horizons

I am sat here, mid September, with no travel plans. None for work. None for pleasure. I need to set about addressing that urgently for a mini-sun break in November and more in the spring, but until I get around to that I am stuck pondering the benefits of travel. I love seeing…
View PostTravel contrasts

Travel is full of contrasts. Life is full of contrasts. Some are unconscious, based on other decisions taken but sometimes we go looking for contrast in our travels. Just in the last month I have enjoyed a fortnight of 5* luxury in the US, then enjoyed equally 4 days away sailing with very few creature comforts. …
View PostMy travel personality

Mr P would probably say my travel personality was of the control freak type (I call that organised), however alongside he acknowledges the awesome trips we’ve taken and that the planning helps us both relax very quickly! We always notice how quickly our skin takes on the out-of-office relaxed glow about 2 days…
View PostThere’s something about – London

I spend a lot of time in London for work but don’t really get to explore and be a tourist. But I still love London, there’s something rather special about it. Pounding the pavements There is always something new to see and I always walk to the office or to visit a client…
View PostThings I would never do again…

It’s rare to talk about things I don’t think I would do again on my blog as this blog seems to prove nicely that I have my vacation ‘type’ well practiced! But we learn a lot by doing things that didn’t necessarily work well for us or we do things where once is enough.…
View PostPicturesque Cornish tin mines

The mining history of Cornwall doesn’t sound like it should be beautiful – but over the years some of our favourite days out and loveliest photographs have been from our trips to see mining history! My Mum hails from Redruth which was once the world capital of mining, so I’ve spent many a…
View PostTravel guilty pleasures

This months travel link-up theme is guilty pleasures – once again the lovely ladies Rebecca, Emma, Kelly and guest host Polly have thought of an interesting theme!! I have a few pleasures in travel, but I can’t say I feel much guilt about them… Firstly enjoying champagne. There are many pictures of me with a…
View PostPlaces to visit again

Travel – it’s all about seeing somewhere new? Right or wrong? Well, I guess in some ways it is – it is fantastic to discover a new place and fall in love with it, and it is motivational to have a bucket list full of more amazing places still to visit. But there…
View PostMy 10 blog reading favourites…

The wonderful world of travel blogging works because it is a community – there is a lot of support from across the blogging network, many people have helped me on my little journey and already I find myself helping newer newbies that me! Clearly bloggers spend a lot of time reading other blogs…
View PostBlog hop – a look behind the scenes

It is always very rewarding to be recognised by other bloggers – especially those whose own work you enjoy. I spend so much time chatting to Kelly from “Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes” on twitter and instagram that I don’t spend enough time reading her blogs. I’ve just whiled away…
View PostMy year in photos – Project365

Here they all are! All 365 days of my life in 2014! I can say with extreme certainty that I am never doing this challenge again! It’s look Pretty impressive when they are in one place all together! It was certainly a busy year, but I have to say – I couldn’t be…
View PostWhere to in 2015?

Strangely for us, we haven’t made many plans for 2015 yet. 2014 was an epic year of travel – 39 flights including visits with Mr P to UAE, Dubai, Venice, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Cornwall, Sardinia, Greece and Vienna…. We’ve no plans to keep up that pace this year, but we still have 12…
View PostBest of 2014

What I have loved (and, frequently hated) about this year is that I have captured and recorded a photo for every day of the year – just one left to go for tomorrow! I’ve put them all in one place if you want to have a rapid look! It’s been interesting, and flicking back…
View PostTravel Advent Calendar – A Rural Retreat for Christmas

As part of the #traveladventcalendar I am taking this opportunity to tell you about a lovely Christmas we had in the middle of nowhere a few years ago! The year that we got married had been busy so at Christmas we decided on a rural retreat, just the two of us. It was…
View PostWinter is the time to update the travel bucket list

It’s amazing how much a travel bucket list can change, even since I started writing this blog! Granted I have checked off a few places that had been on the hit-list for a while (Greece, Sardinia, the Giants Causeway), but the list changes depending on what we see and enjoy from our travels,…
View PostIt’s beginning to feel a lot like #Christmas… everywhere we go!

This is actually a post from Christmas 2013, but so far this year my search for Christmas things in the UK has been hampered by a pre-Thanksgiving trip to the USA! As a result having toured much of the US, I saw just one Christmas tree – so my Christmas count is currently…
View PostFalling in love on the road… with Cornwall

Falling in love on the road? Well I haven’t! I had to think about this – as when we are away we tend to keep ourselves to ourselves, I rarely see anything and have to buy it and I didn’t meet Mr P on my travels…. What else could I have fallen I…
View PostInteresting characters from our travels

Another great link up idea, thanks to the lovely ladies Emma, Kelly, Rebecca and Molly – most interesting travel characters! Well apart from the best celeb spot and conversation that we have so far managed in the British Airways Concorde Lounge I had to have quite a think about this…. We don’t tend to make…
View PostRooms with views

This months travel link up is another perfect one ‘a room with a view’! One of the reasons we travel is to relax looking at a view we don’t have at home! Why pay for accommodation if you aren’t guaranteed a view?! Well that is my thinking anyway! On that basis… this isn’t…
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