My top 10 travel highlights of 2016

What a year 2016 has been globally. My top 10 highlights may well sound frivolous and privileged in a year when the world has been full of sadness, unrest and nasty surprises. But they made us smile, laugh and relax after some challenging years. Its been good for the soul. I’m amazed we fitted in 6…
View PostLazing in the Languedoc

What a gorgeous lazy time we had in the Languedoc, the benefit of doing no research… Aside from booking the hotel, all I knew was that Carcassonne was nearish to where we were going and that it’s a board game. So un-thorough was my research that a few days before we arrived I had to email the…
View PostFlashback Friday Travel 36 – The Cote d’Azur

It isn’t all high glamour and high prices on the Cote d’Azur – we had a fantastic week there in August 2012 and found relaxed and charming places to visit. We did of course go off in search of the glamorous areas, and dine out fantastically on one evening – but life is all about…
View Post#Take12Trips – the first 3 months!

Goodness knows where the time went, but here comes April and we’ve already had a weekend warm enough for shorts and tshirt (followed 2 days later by needing hat, scarf and gloves for my morning commute) – the last three months flew by and quite impressively (compared to last year) I have not been on a single plane…
View PostBirthday weekend in Paris

I have quoted it many a time, but once more – ‘Paris is always a good idea’! We visited in 2009 in September when the city was sultry and busy and ever since we have both wanted to return for a slower mooch around, with less need to see the sites and so…
View PostPenelope and Parker in February

February has flown by at a terrifying speed… click here for the full flipagram of the best bits (needs a little time to load – the…) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Anna Parker (@annaeparker) Countless times this month I have thought spring was here, and then the next day we’ve…
View PostFlashback Friday Travel Photo Memories 20 – Paris

Paris is always a good idea! And as luck would have it we are back there next month – I cannot wait! It’s just a long weekend, and it is bound to be chilly – but there isn’t much better than time away with my husband seeing the city – we’ll be wrapped…
View PostWhere to in 2015?

Strangely for us, we haven’t made many plans for 2015 yet. 2014 was an epic year of travel – 39 flights including visits with Mr P to UAE, Dubai, Venice, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Cornwall, Sardinia, Greece and Vienna…. We’ve no plans to keep up that pace this year, but we still have 12…
View PostFlashback Friday Travel Photo Memories – 2 – La Rochelle

Sailing, sailing, sailing, we used to do something water-based near on every weekend! On this occassion Mr P was sailing at a dinghy regatta with a friend in La Rochelle and I was studying for my chartered accountant exams. So I took the study to the sunshine and worked while he sailed! La Rochelle is…
View PostBeautiful Eze – relaxed Cote d’Azur

The south of France was quite the discovery – it isn’t all $$$$$ and it can be relaxing and rustic – thank goodness. We’d long put it to the bottom of the list for the reverse of those very accolades! We stayed at the Eze Hermitage, up the hill from Eze village (which…
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