I’ve been tagged by Caryl-Ann at Crazy Tots and Me to answer 73 questions about me based on the Vogue 73 questions video interview series. As I have quite a few new followers the time is as good as ever! Don’t forget to head over to Caryl-Ann’s blog and see her answers too.
If you want to take part then all you have to do is copy the questions. Tag me too so I can read yours!
1. What is your usual Starbucks order?
It wouldn’t be Starbucks as around Winchester we are spoilt for lovely local choices – like Coffee Lab, Copper Joes or Honesty. It’s always a soya latte for me, and if there’s a vegan cake to satisfy my dairy free needs then even better.

2. What does your workstation look like right now?
At the office we are clear desking so it’s tidy… At home our study is a tip, we shut the door on it mostly! But I like working there as it’s in the front of the house so I can watch the comings and going’s of the village while I work!
3. All time favourite food?
Yorkshire pudding, pie, scampi, curry, macaroni cheese, scones, shakshuka… I love homely food the most!
4. Favourite author?
Hmmm, now I love reading but tend to pick erratically rather than stick to one author or another. Recently I’ve enjoyed books by Laura Marshall, Lisa Wingate, Jo Watson, Ruta Sepetys, Jodi Picoult, Tracy Graves…
5. What do you think of open relationships?
Not thanks, pretty disgusting in my view.
6. Favourite video game?
I used to love playing Lemmings and Tetris when I was younger!
7. Guilty pleasure treat?
Champagne, but I rarely feel guilty about it!
8. Favourite film?
My all time favourite is The Sound of Music, but recently I have taken a shine to Mamma Mia and love singing along with the baby on a rainy day at home!

9. Favourite book?
Of all the books I’ve read, the only ones I would go back to and read again are from the Arthur Ransome ‘Swallows and Amazons’ series. I have loved those books since I was a child!
10. Twitter or Instagram?
Twitter is a fascinating way to follow things like Channel 4 news or the lates South Western Railway mishap… But it’s Instagram that I enjoy the most, although the latest algorithm has destroyed my visibility and keeps showing me pictures I’m not interested in. It’s annoying even though I only really post pictures to make me happy.
11. Desktop or laptop?
Laptop, I can work anywhere, which is often on the sofa after supper now I am back at work and trying to balance career and baby…
12. Best advice you’ve ever received?
Be the best you that you can be. Be you, and take yourself everywhere.

13. What project are you working on right now?
We are getting quotes for an enormous kitchen extension. It’s very exciting. We had the garden done this year so it’s time we sorted the house out too!
14. Favourite colour?
Blue and grey, most of my clothes are blue and grey! As are the walls or our house, and our carpets!
15. Did you get good grades at school?
I guess I was a bit of a geek… Could have gone better with my GCSEs with 4 A*, 4 A and 2 B’s. But I nailed my A-levels with three A’s and got a 2’1 at university with limited effort!!
16. Dream job?
Turns out being Mummy is the dream job. I didn’t realise though, until we had Little B that I would love it so much and be good at it! But also my office job – a director of risk – I really enjoy it too, as difficult as it can be at times!

17. Played any sports?
I like sailing, running and walking. Apart from walking I don’t get much time for the others these days! Although Cowes week is coming up and I have two nights away from home for it!
18. Do you have a degree
Yes, a BSc in Geography and Oceanography and I’m a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
19. Nationality?
British. And half Cornish!
20. What is your favourite kind of blog post to do?
Happy memories and adventures, this is a travel blog at heart.

21. What do you like to collect?
Photos! I am not a ‘thing’ person (although I love a Mulberry or Hermes bag), so thousands of photos capturing all our adventures and memories is what I collect.
22. Describe yourself in 3 words?
Honest, organised and chirpy.
23. If you were a rapper what would your rapper name be?
I really have no idea… Anna Banana?
24. Who was the last person you dmed?
One of my Mum friends with the same sort of aged little one, there’s always something to ask or to share or to laugh or cry about these days!
25. What’s on the top of your wish list right now?
It’s really tedious but I really want nice curtains for our bedroom that are proper black out ones too! But it’s such a faff choosing the material and working out what length we need made!
26. Hogwarts House?
Gryffindor, the other ones had too many scary people in for me!
27. How many tattoos do you have?
None. Not my cup of tea.
28. What are you most grateful for this year?
My family.

29. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this month?
The baby has started saying more words… Along with the constant chatter, he now says tractor if he sees one in real life or in a book, and says Hello to us too!
30. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you today?
Lots of cups of tea!
31. What’s the best thing ever?
My boys. Mr P and Master P!
32. Favourite season?
Spring, living in the country it’s when you see the colours change by the day and the best sunrises too. We are surrounded by bluebells, daffodils and rape seed so it really is spectacular.

33. Favourite holiday?
All holidays. Be it the holiday season or an actual holiday getaway.
34. Which fictional character do you relate to most?
I can’t think of any. But someone once said I look a bit like the actress that played Eva Green in James Bond, so I will take that!
35. Do you like surprises?
No, clearly the thought behind the surprise is lovely, but I hate not knowing anything!
36. What’s the biggest surprise you ever got?
When Sam proposed as I definitely didn’t see it coming!
37. What’s a surprise that’s made you cry?
Nasty surprises, like whenever I have been told that a grandparent has died.
38. What’s the best surprise you’ve ever given anyone?
Booking my husband a holiday to Venice for his 40th birthday. He had been muttering about going there for ages so I just got on and booked it!

39. Do you like muffins?
I love cake. Nuff said.
40. Do you cook often?
Mr P excels at cooking so I try and avoid it as best I can. I have done a lot of cooking for Little B though and some of the food we have all enjoyed the less mush-based it has become!
41. What’s your favourite dessert?
Anything that is dairy free really, sorbet or fruit salad gets rather dull after a few years! I am thrilled when there’s something thoughtful on the menu that I can actually enjoy!
42. Is there a dessert you don’t like?
I hate anything with banana.

43. Cake or pie?
Both. A Birds Eye pie when I am home alone is my go to supper, with baked beans and peas.
44. What’s your least favourite food?
Apart from banana I will eat most things.
45. What’s your favourite condiment?
Mayonnaise, it goes with so much!
46. It’s 4am on a Saturday night, what would you eat?
The last time I saw 4am was when I was up feeding the little one in the early days, so I would have water! In the old days if I saw 4am I would need either a kebab and chips or McDonalds.
47. If you could teach a college class what would it be called?
The foibles of the English language… I hate it when I hear or read bad english (not that mine is very good). Things like ‘those ones’ or ‘must of’, or the use of me, myself and I, a too many split infinitives! I just think we all need reminding what we have forgotten we were taught at school.
48. Best animated film?
49. What had a guy done or said to impress you?
On our first trip abroad Mr P had us upgraded on the plane and scored us a free stay at a lovely 5* hotel! I loved his days working in the travel industry! We do still get a few perks… Like the time my dream of staying in a treehouse came true!

50. Best thing to do on a first date?
51. Worst thing to do on a first date?
Anything competitive!
52. What’s the funniest pickup line a guy can use on a girl?
The Joey Tribiani ‘how you doin’ line would make me laugh out loud!
53. Best comic book character?
Where’s Wally, does that count?
54. What are the three things that are always in your purse?
Wallet, nappies, wipes! Rock n roll!
55. Favourite drink?
Champagne of course!

56. If you could play a historical character who would it be?
I wouldn’t mind taking on the role of the Queen, just to see what it’s really like!
57. Kittens or puppies?
Neither, cute as they are we don’t have the time or the lifestyle to give either the right care.
58. Favourite sushi roll?
I hate sushi rice and seaweed so sashimi for me.
59. What kind of lipstick do you use?
Lip balm at best.
60. What kind of foundation do you use?
BB or CC creams for me, swift and effective!
61. Blow dry or air dry?
Air dry unless it’s a special occasion and then I straighten to control it too! I look terrible with my wet hair on the station in the mornings, but it’s dry when I get to Waterloo and I got an extra five minutes is bed too!
62. Who is your fashion icon?
There’s no chance of me having a fashion icon as I like clothes that suit me rather than being the fashion of the minute. I always think Sophie of Wessex looks impeccable.
63. Favourite Disney character?
Donald Duck is funny.
64. What are you doing tomorrow?
Working… It’s almost the weekend! And then I can’t wait to get back outside.

65. Movie you laughed the hardest through?
I love Crazy Stupid Love and also Mamma Mia 2. The Internship always makes us laugh a lot as Mr P works at a similar business and so some of the scenes are particularly hilarious!
66. Movie that made you cry?
Marley and Me, every time. And when Roberta cries out ‘my daddy my daddy’ in The Railway Children.
67. If you could sing a duet with someone who would it be?
I love the sound of Parov Stelar, although I can’t imagine they’d like the sound of my vocals! Maybe Matoma would let me do some snippets with him, I can’t get enough of those beats.
68. If your life was a song what would the title be?
Rainbow by Chicane means a lot to us. Paloma Faith and Make your own kind of music. Or perhaps Distant Sun by Crowded House.
69. What’s your favourite animal?
I’m not really an animal fan, but we have cows at the end of the garden and I’ve really come to enjoy their company!

70. Favourite illustrator?
Benji Davis. Our favourite bedtime book is The Storm Whale and I was looking on his blog and all his imagery is gorgeous!
71. Person you want to have coffee with?
I would be fascinated to meet Theresa May. I’d love to know how she kept going for so long despite being bullied by grown men for so long. Her resilience is something we could all learn from.
72. What’s a country you wish to visit?
Everywhere I haven’t been! Namibia and Tanzania I would really like to visit.
73. Best way to decompress?
Book, wine, early night. Or a run. The former is easier these days even though the latter works better!
It’s now my turn to tag some amazing bloggers to complete all of these questions.
I tag these fab Mummy blogs, you should check them and their instagrams out too:
Jayney Travels – Girl Tweets World
I hope you all enjoyed learning a little more random facts about me!
We have a favourite film and drink in common… and dream job of course 🙂
Good tastes indeed!!
Loved Your Blog and Amazing Photographs
Thank you xx
A massive kitchen extension? That’ll be fun! Building the dream kitchen??
Hopefully it will be the dream, it has a dreamy view so we need to make the most of it!