Being grateful is I think the best way to look at 2020 because, let’s face it, there hasn’t been a lot to smile about in the world this year. And it’s winter in the northern hemisphere which doesn’t help on the wellness front either. Added to the cancellation of Christmas gatherings for most…

It’s been the toughest year for everyone, for a variety of reasons. For us work and working with a toddler at home was tough, compounded by being permanently at home in lockdown when home was a grotty building site…

But it wasn’t all bad. In fact in amongst the hard stuff we made some amazing memories. And we are healthy. So in a year when I’ve achieved very little, with a wipe of hand sanitiser and a wear of a mask, here are the 10 things that I am grateful to celebrate about the 2020 way of life:
A local economy
Buying local and shopping small has become a way of life. The local butcher, little coffee shops, a local wine merchant (that delivers!), market towns, coffee roasters, toy shops, Etsy. Not being in London at all, we’ve switched the Pret-type spend to local spend and it’s a pleasure to shop local and enjoy the local experiences that are so important now.

Old fashioned way of life
Having breakfast and tea as a family, going for a daily walk in lockdown, not going abroad, visiting the local pub, making bread, getting to know our neighbours. We’ve even been to a village garden wedding! When we were commuting or traveling with work there just wasn’t time for any of this but now we are always ‘at home‘ bits of the commute time we can invest in family time which does us all the world of good.

Enjoying time at home
In June our extension was pretty much finished and we could enjoy our home properly again (with space, running water and a sink and cooker!). We’ve had a few visitors over in the summer and it was so nice to have the space to entertain. Having the garden, and the 2nd birthday climbing frame was a godsend – my parents have spent many hours in the garden with us. And our fire bowl is going to come into it’s own this winter!

Less in a hurry
Sort of. I seem to work all the hours and it is a continuous stream of video calls, but even with that, life is less hectic. There’s no need to go to the post office to pick up a parcel that couldn’t be delivered, no 4am airport car collections, no running between buildings for back to back meetings, no weekends lost to business travel. A routine works for a baby or toddler. It works for an adult too!

UK and the great outdoors
We’ve always loved a UK holiday. And this year the weather treated us for our time at home. I wore shorts from March to October! We’re spoilt for toddler friendly day trips and have a couple of favourite beaches too. Straight out the front door or over the fence at the end of the garden and we have countryside. We have spent so much time enjoying what’s on our doorstep. We booked and cancelled 4 holidays this year. We finally escaped home to visit friends in Anglesey and to see Sam’s parents!

I’ve had just about enough of zoom/teams/whats app calls… But, they mean we can see family and friends from a far. For our parents particularly it has been a lifeline to keep their relationships with Little B (and us) normal. I’ve been fond of home-working for a long time, if I need to get my head down and think or have confidential calls. Having the whole world do it has made it easier and ‘presence’ has a new definition that is achievement based. We work our hours the way we need to and it works. And I’m very grateful for my new office , although 2 of our spare rooms are now offices. Instagram has also been fun and scrolling through my posts makes me happy as they are the 2020 best bits.

Friends and colleagues
I’m lucky where I work to have real friends in my colleagues. In a time when it is harder to see friends, conversations with colleagues become such an important part of life. I’ve enjoyed getting to know people better this year. When we’ve been able to see friends in person it has been perfect, not often enough but I do enjoy smaller groups more and I’m eternally grateful in Lockdown 2.0 that mums with toddlers could still meet. I don’t think you appreciate the people around you until you can’t see them at a drop of a hat. Zoom and What’s App has held normal banter and friendships together.

I like the fact that you have to plan, but also that you can’t. You have to plan if you want a ticket to the zoo, to park at a good beach, or to gardens or an event or meal. To avoid queues. And to leave the house on time to arrive in your time slot. But you can’t plan ahead much either for fear of it being cancelled. So the things that we have planned and have pulled off have been a proper treat this year.

Seeing my toddler grow up
Especially during the first lockdown when nursery was shut and we were joined at the hip. Spending more time together, we don’t miss the new things he does the way we used to. We’ve had hiccups along the way, but we’ve come together as a family and enjoyed seeing him grow up with us. It a pleasure to have the opportunity to be there for the milestones. The amount he has changed since mid-March and all the things that he’s learnt and says make me so proud. He’s made real friends and it’s a delight to see them play and chat together and for me to have my toddler mum gang. It’s been so long since they had indoor play dates that they’ve all got outdoor voices!

Loungewear and sleep
My work clothing is packed away in the loft, most of my heels are still in my locker in the office. Unneeded. These days I live in leggings or jeggings, a smart top, a scarf to keep warm and a quick brush of foundation. It’s very simple and takes so much effort out of the day. And sleep – we’ve had a journey with the little sleep thief, but we’re doing well now. I used a sleep consultant and worked out what to do and we get 12 hours a night from him and he waits for his GroClock to get up. A good night’s sleep is so restorative.

I started writing this a few weeks ago before my parents went into tier 4 and I had to meet them in a lay-by to exchange presents and Christmas food… At a time when I’m angry and sad at the same time – for them, for us, for my little boy and the perfect Christmas I was longing for – these are a reminder of what I’m grateful for and the simple things in live that make such a big difference to us!
Keeping things fun, I am also grateful for: a kettle tap, Tractor Ted and the Little Farmer, my breadmaker, the slow cooker, picnics (even in the rain), our fire bowl, hosepipes to amuse a toddler, sticker books, a shared love of messy baking, the fact our cars are a new playroom when they’re abandoned for months on the drive!

Roll on a new year, hopefully a positive one where we can live without face masks… And be grateful for that freedom! Although, I’m happy to keep the hand sanitiser and hand washing as everything is a lot cleaner these days!

I’m sure it’s been tough for all of us, in different ways. but you are right, we should also be grateful for things we do have. Merry Christmas & Happy 2021!
Tanja/The Red Phone Box travels recently posted…My Christmas Tree Travel Ornaments: San Marino
Thanks Tanja, best wishes for a merry Christmas and an amazingly normal (hence perfect) new year!
I agree, gratitude is such a powerful emotion and especially so this year! Love that you’ve enjoyed the time at home and the more relaxed pace, as well as a few domestic adventures!
Jessi (Two Feet, One World) recently posted…Snapshots – November 2020
It’s been the strangest year and too easy to focus on the negative when there’s been a lot of simple things like these!